
Wednesday, March 23, 2011


The car was driving on rough terrain, the two detectives could not tell where they were being taken by the two mysterious men. Once the car came to a stop, both detectives were scared of what was to happen next. Fearing for their lives they scream and squirm and try to escape. The two are taken into a room and put on the floor. Another mysterious man walks into the room and asks them if they knew who he was, the two replied "no, what do you want for us." The two detectives were cut free and were taken into another room with the new man who appeared to be the leader. Once in the new room the leader briefs them on the reason they are there. He explains to him that his daughter was kidnapped a long time ago and was never found. Later he also reveals that he is dying and does not have much time to live. He offers them each large sums of money just to try and find her before his time runs out. The two were scared at first, but as they got to know him, they knew he was for real. The both accept to look for his daughter even though she might already be dead.

After I read this, I wondered why they would help a guy they barely knew. What if he is bad news? what if the story he told them was fake? all these questions and no answers, I would never trust a guy like that.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


The start of the book explains the paths of the two detectives who's names still haven't been mentioned. The two detectives are having a normal day until the notice they are being fallowed by a tall dark man with a "deathly looking coat" The two detectives seem to be married, but that information has not been given. After a while the two decide to separate so only one would be fallowed and the other would try and find out who he or she was. After they break up the story focuses on the man he goes into a dinner, where he is fallowed to, for a muffin and some coffee. After that he decided to go to his friends gas station, where he is also fallowed to, and tells his friend that he is being fallowed and points out the man across the street. After the detective leaves the gas station he walks across the street and says hello to the man that was fallowing him. That ended up being a bad idea because he was drugged by the man and was thrown into a car after he had time to get him self together he notices that the other detective is in the car with him.

After reading this much I have gotten more into the book, it almost seems like a movie to me that I cant wait to finish. I don't know what will happen to the detectives and I don't who who took them. There are so many questions that I want answers for, I am sure I will have this book done very soon.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

NY Times:Ncaa brackets

After i read the New York Times post about the NCAA brackets i realised that I never really use their advice. I believe that half the time they are wrong and only pick the teams that have the most "hype". I Still have Duke winning it all after beating Kansas in the championship game. Also i do not believe that Ohio State will make it to the final four.